How to Find Relief During Summer Heat Waves in the City
Extreme heat is a serious public health threat—particularly for city dwellers. Here are some quick tips to help keep you and your neighbors cool.

Blistering heat hit areas from the Midwest to the Northeast in June 2024, including Newark, New Jersey (shown), where the temperature reached 99 degrees Fahrenheit on June 21.
Spencer Platt/Getty Images
Heat waves are sizzling our cities. During the very first day of summer 2024, metro areas from the Midwest to the Northeast were already bracing for peak temperatures more than 10 degrees above average. Meanwhile, in the preceding few weeks, the Southwest, as well as countries throughout Latin America, broke records in both daytime and nighttime temperatures.
Climate change is a key factor in driving these increasing heat domes, which occur when a persistent region of high pressure traps heat over the ground. The resulting high temperatures can stick around for days to weeks. And they are dangerous: According to the National Weather Service, heat waves kill far more people in the United States than any other weather-related disaster. Those most at risk to the various health impacts of excessive heat include low-income communities, communities of color, the elderly, and those with pre-existing medical conditions.
In cities, the urban heat island effect intensifies climate change–fueled warming via tall buildings that block air flow and heat-absorbing surfaces like pavement. Some neighborhoods feel it worse than others: Tree-starved, concrete-dense areas can be as much as 20 degrees Fahrenheit hotter than other parts of the same city, according to the National Integrated Heat Health Information System. And the most heat-vulnerable zones tend to be located in the same communities that are marginalized, underserved, and burdened by environmental racism.
But there are ways to mitigate the risks, starting with these strategies.
Eat for the heat
In an already sweltering home, turning on an additional source of heat can make the problem that much worse. Opt for light summer meals that don’t require any cooking in the oven or on the stove, such as salads, fresh fruits, and sandwiches. Both the kinds and amount of food you eat can also impact how much heat your body generates. Digestion is one of our body’s most energy-intensive activities—and a belly too full of food revs up your internal engines, producing even more heat. For some people, sugary foods or stimulants like caffeine and alcohol can also affect the body's internal temperature regulation. To narrow down your own triggers, it may help to monitor your body’s reactions after eating and drinking.
Keep water close by
If you’re dehydrated, you’re more likely to have symptoms of heat stress. During the hottest days of summer, we can often underestimate how much water we need to drink. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends drinking water before you even get thirsty. Apply damp washcloths to places like your neck and forehead to cool down quickly. And while this topic is still debated, some experts argue that warm showers can be more effective than cold ones at reducing your core temperature, rather than simply cooling down your skin and offering short-term relief.
Monitor your health—and check in on your neighbors too
Emergency rooms see an influx of patients each summer due to heat-related illness. In 2023, a year that broke records for its high temperatures, the CDC recorded a total of 119,605 heat-related hospital visits. Hotter temperatures also promote the formation of air pollution, especially ground-level smog, which we then breathe in. This poses a particular danger for people with asthma as well as those with heart disease, kidney problems, or other lung ailments.
Whether or not you’re in a high-risk category, it’s important to pay attention to the warning signs of heat illness: dizziness, paleness, weakness, nausea, or a rapid pulse. Be mindful of escalating from heat exhaustion to a more serious state like heat stroke, which can be indicated by dry skin instead of heavy sweating. Set up a system for checking on any friends, family, or neighbors whom you’re concerned about—even if just by phone—when the next heat wave strikes.
Make some simple fixes to keep the cool air in—and the hot air out
Gaps around door frames and windows will make an air conditioner work that much harder to keep a room comfortable. The U.S. Department of Energy has a handy checklist of leak-prone areas to help you determine where to caulk and weather-strip. When the sun is shining directly into your windows, keep your blinds and shades closed to avoid turning your home into a greenhouse. (These energy efficiency measures won’t just keep you cooler but can translate into financial savings too.)
Optimize your fan and window use
While they may not make the air physically cooler, fans help your body displace heat more quickly and can make rooms feel up to 4 degrees Fahrenheit cooler while using a fraction of the energy of an AC unit. To make ceiling fans more effective, run them counterclockwise to push the cooler air down toward you. Rule of thumb: If it’s hotter outside than inside, like in the middle of the day, keep your windows closed. If it’s hotter indoors, like in the evening, open up windows and point a fan toward them to move the hot air out.
Review the cooling resources available through your local public health and recreation departments
If you don’t have an AC unit because of prohibitive costs, check with local authorities to determine what aid may be available in your area. The federally funded Home Energy Assistance Program’s cooling assistance benefit, for example, has helped tens of thousands of New Yorkers afford a fan or an AC over the past five years. During periods of extreme heat, many cities also offer emergency cooling centers or waive pool or beach admission fees for residents, to encourage more people to seek relief in the water.
Take a stroll
Leafy public parks offer a respite from the glaring sun, as trees and vegetation provide shade and reduce the urban heat island effect. Breezy shorelines and a cool dip can also help. However, access to green spaces and public beaches is inequitable and disparities often fall along racial lines. You can help advocate for the communities most in need of heat relief by supporting local initiatives that improve funding for parks in marginalized communities or by urging your representatives to start one.
This story was originally published on July 13, 2020, and has been updated with new information and links.
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